Monday, 9 May 2011

'Shame, shame go away come again some other day'

One of the new songs from the Foo Fighters, and, in my opinion - Genius!

Just some interesting stuff - The lead singer and frontman of the Foo Fighters (Dave Grohl) was actually the drummer of Nirvana

It's very rare that you get a drummer that sings but quite common that you get a singer that drums (if that makes any sense)

So I've liked Foo Fighters for a while, I really like their heavy sound (which does remind me quite a lot of Nirvana), and I lurve their new album

Be sure to check it out on Spotify/iTunes/Youtube or whatever floats your boat

I also think the lyrics are great for this (I mean 'Shame, shame/Fame, fame go away come again some other day' is one of my favourite lyrics I know as of today. I also think 'You and what army?' incorporated into a song is awesome) and just work

So listen, download and

Bathe in the Foo Brilliance


P.S. Foo Fighters got their name from UFO's and other aerial stuff during WW2 - Fascinating stuff ;)

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